HOME and Homelessness Programs

The HOME and Homelessness Programs Division awards funds to assist units of general local governments, public housing authorities, nonprofits, and local agencies in the provision of assistance to low-income Texans with a focus on housing and housing-related assistance and services. TDHCA does not provide any services directly to individuals.
Programs Overview
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME Program or HOME) is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Authorized under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, the purpose of the program is to expand the supply of decent, safe, affordable housing and strengthen public-private housing partnerships between units of general local governments, public housing authorities, nonprofits, and for profit entities. More »
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program
The Emergency Solutions Grants program, formerly the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, is a competitive grant that awards funds to private nonprofit organizations, cities, and counties in the State of Texas to provide the services necessary to help persons that are at-risk of homelessness or homeless quickly regain stability in permanent housing. More »
Homeless Housing and Services Program (HHSP)
HHSP was established by the 82nd Texas Legislature. Through the program, the state provides funding to the eight largest cities in support of services to homeless individuals and families, including services such as case management, and housing placement and retention. More »