Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs - Building Homes and Strengthening Communities

Policy and Public Affairs

Michael Lyttle
Chief of External Affairs

Street: 221 East 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701
Mail: PO Box 13941, Austin, TX 78711-3941
Phone: 512-475-3976
Fax: 512-475-9606



The Division of Policy and Public Affairs is responsible for disseminating Department information to the general public, consumers of and advocates for affordable housing, TDHCA's business partners, and those in both state and federal government. It also serves as the primary liaison between TDHCA, industry stakeholders, advocacy groups and to the executive and legislative branches of state and Federal government. The division is separated into two sections:

The Legislative Affairs section is TDHCA's main link between the Department and the Office of the Governor, members of the Texas Legislature and Texas Congressional delegation, state and federal agencies, and housing and community service organizations throughout the state. It is responsible for assisting the Department's leadership in the development and implementation of policy related to legislative mandates.

The Communications and Marketing section is responsible for producing news releases and outreach and educational materials, responding to inquiries from the news media and TDHCA’s social media activities.