Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is a utility assistance program. CEAP is designed to assist low income households in meeting their immediate energy needs and to encourage consumers to control energy costs for years to come through energy education. The CEAP involves integration of all LIHEAP-funded programs, thereby enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of services provided to clients and eliminating duplication of services. The CEAP is administered through subrecipients, which collectively cover all 254 counties of the state.
Want to save additional energy? Learn how to lower your utility bills at TDHCA’s Home Weatherization Tips for Energy Savings page.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) State Plan (PDF)
- 2024 LIHEAP State Plan (apprvd 09-21-2023)
- 2023 LIHEAP State Plan Revision (apprvd 01-24-2023)