Home Weatherization Tips for Energy Savings

- Install storm windows, or add caulking or sealant to existing windows to reduce the infiltration of cold air in the winter and warm air in the summer.
- Close drapes or blinds and lock windows to ensure a tight seal.
- Weather-strip the perimeter of exterior doors.
- Install insulation in your attic, walls (where accessible), and floors.
- Set water heater to 120 degrees and add an insulation blanket to the unit (check the manufacturer's label for important information).
- Add insulation to water pipes.
- Install low flow toilets, shower heads and faucet aerators.
- Use conservation showerheads to eliminate hot water waste.
- Install dampers in chimneys
- Replace filters in heating and cooling systems on a monthly basis.
- Check the direction of ceiling fans: in the winter, set fans to move air downward (counterclockwise); in the summer, set fans to move air upward (clockwise). When not in the room, turn off the fan. Fans only move air, which feels good when you are in the room. However, leaving a fan on when not present only adds heat from the fan motor and uses additional energy.
- Close the damper on fireplaces (when not in use) or add glass doors.
- Remove furniture and carpeting from heater vents to ensure proper circulation.
- Adjust the thermostat to slightly lower temperatures in the winter and slightly higher temperatures in the summer when your family is sleeping or away from the home.
- Replace old appliances with new energy efficient models. Look for the Energy Star label.
- Install Compact Florescent Lights (CFL), which use 5 times less electricity, last 7 times longer, and produce less heat than an ordinary light bulb or light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which use 25 times less electricity, and produce less heat than an ordinary light bulb.
- Install solar screens to eliminate solar heat through the windows.
- Use dishwashers, washers and dryers at night.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, some people who have weatherized their home have saved an average of $300 in annual utility costs while adding an estimated $1,000 to the value of their home.
For Additional Energy Saving Tips:
Public Utility Commission of Texas – PowerToSaveTexas.org
Department of Energy (DOE) – www.energy.gov
Texas is Hot – www.texasishot.org
Weatherization Assistance Flyer (PDF)
Weatherization assistance
Weatherization assistance may be available to eligible households through TDHCA’s Weather Assistance Program (“WAP”). If you need assistance weatherizing your home, find the local Weatherization Assistance Program (“WAP”) provider nearest you.
- Visit Help for Texans and select Weatherization to find your local utility assistance provider.
- Contact the Texas Information and Referral Network toll free at 877-541-7905, dial 2-1-1, or visit www.211texas.org for other local utility assistance provider(s) near you.
- From a landline, call toll free at 888-606-8889 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The toll free number will directly connect you with the WAP service provider in your county.