Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Housing

Program Description
The Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides rental assistance payments on behalf of low income individuals and families, including the elderly and persons with disabilities. The program provides financial assistance for decent, safe and sanitary housing to eligible households whose annual gross income does not exceed 50% of HUD's median income guidelines. HUD requires 75% of all new households admitted to the program be at or below 30% of the area median income. Eligibility is based on several factors, including the household's income, size and composition, citizenship status, assets, medical and childcare expenses. Qualified households may select the best available housing through direct negotiations with landlords to ensure accommodations that meet their needs. TDHCA pays approved rent amounts directly to property owners.
The Department is one of several different public housing authorities that run Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 programs across Texas. Each public housing authority covers a specific service area. However, Section 8 is not available in all areas of the state. Review HUD's list of Texas Public Housing Agencies (www.hud.gov) or the Texas Housing Association’s directory for contact information for Texas PHAs. You may also call 211 for information on your local PHA.
The TDHCA Section 8 program does not cover the entire State of Texas.
Project Access Program
The Project Access program utilizes Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers administered by TDHCA to assist low-income persons with disabilities in transitioning from institutions into the community by providing access to affordable housing.
Mainstream Program
Mainstream Vouchers are designed to help non-elderly people with disabilities who are transitioning from institutional live independently in the community. Aside from serving a special population, Mainstream vouchers are administered using the same rules as other housing choice vouchers.
The Department was awarded 50 Mainstream Vouchers in November 2018. The Department begin administering vouchers December 2018. Initially, these vouchers were intended to be used to house individuals on the Project Access waiting list and were referred by a Coordinated Entry System or relocation specialist.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must meet Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) (HUD.gov) program eligibility requirements
- Be a family that includes at least one person with a disability between the ages of 18-61
- Provide verification of transitioning out of institutional.
In July 2020, the Department received an additional 15 Mainstream vouchers.
Veteran Assistance Supportive Housing (VASH) Program
The HUD VASH program combines HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) at its medical centers and in the community. Ongoing VA case management, health, and other supportive services will be made available to homeless veterans at various VA Medical Center (VAMC) supportive services sites across the nation.
HUD VASH vouchers follow the regulations (24 CFR 982) of the HCV rental assistance program. In the HCV program, the Public Housing Authority (PHA) provides monthly rental assistance so that eligible families can afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing. HUD provides the PHA with the necessary funding for the program. The VAMC will refer HUD VASH eligible families to the PHA for the issuance of vouchers.
The Department currently administers a Project-Based VASH (PB-VASH) program located in Kerrville, TX at Freedoms Path Kerrville. Twenty (20) PB VASH units were awarded in November 2015 in coordination through the South Texas Veterans Health Care system.
In 2019, the Department was awarded 20 Tenant-Based VASH vouchers (TB-VASH) with Michael E. DeBakey Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center for the Fort-Bend, and Galveston County area.
In 2021, the Department was award 10 additional VASH vouchers in coordination through the South Texas Veterans Health Care system.
Under the HCV tenant-based program, families select and rent units that meet program housing-quality standards. Once the PHA approves the VASH participant’s unit and tenancy, the Department contracts with the owner to make rent subsidy payments (housing assistance payments) directly to the owner on behalf of the family on a monthly basis. The VASH participant enters into a lease with the owner and pays its share of the rent to the owner in accordance with the lease. The assisted VASH family will pay no more than 40% of their income towards rent. The housing assistance payment (HAP) contract between the PHA and the owner covers only a single unit and the assisted VASH participant family. If the family moves out of the leased unit, the HAP contract with the owner terminates. The family may generally move to another unit with continued assistance so long as the family is complying with program requirements.
HUD VASH eligible families are homeless veterans. Veterans participating in the HUD VASH program are required to participate in VA Case Management.
The Department administers HUD VASH with VAMC locations within the agency’s jurisdiction. Homeless veterans that may be eligible for the program should contact their local VA case manager or other VA contact for more information.
If you are a homeless veteran, seeking assistance under the HUD-VASH program, contact your local VA Medical Center. The local VA facility will determine initial eligibility. The VA will refer eligible Veterans to a local public housing agency for processing. Contact information for VA Medical facilities can be found here: https://www.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp.
Additional resources for veterans experiencing homeless:
Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness may want to Call 1-877-424-3838 and speak to a person who can connect you with a Tribal HUDVASH point of contact (or case manager) in your area.
For additional information located on HUDs web page: hud.gov/offices/pih/programs/hcv/vash/
Community Resources and Referral Center (va.gov) near you that provides veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with one-stop access to community-based services for permanent housing, health and mental health care, career development and access to VA and non-VA benefits.
Section 8 Housing - Funding Source & Background
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program was created by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Funds for Section 8 are provided by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If a community is interested in utilizing Section 8, the local unit of government must adopt a resolution agreeing to administer the program in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.
For more information please contact Andre Adams at andre.adams@tdhca.state.tx.us.